Get access to critical career changing courses

The ABC Training School is an accredited professional vocational learning school that provides certification for intermediate, undergraduate, and graduate courses. Enabling quality career elevation. We offer QQI-accredited courses, diploma programs, and other professional certifications.
Professional certification courses
Professional certification courses

100% Fully accredited degrees, diplomas and courses

Accelerate your training program. Finish in minimal time

A globally accepted and affordable learning platform

Get personalised guidance and support on our LMS platform

Training options for different categories of certifications...individual or corporate
We train and recruit for self improvements and organisations
Training programs
Training programs
Diploma courses
Diploma courses
classroom lectures
classroom lectures

Our courses have been designed to cover the most current industry trends and best practices in order to provide our clients with the best possible learning experience. We strive to ensure that our courses are high-quality, responsive, flexible, and cost-effective by upholding a commitment to quality and excellence.

Trainings are via classrooms and online digital platforms

Our online training is available to help you reach your ultimate goals, whether for you or your team. Each course is written by subject matter experts to ensure that you get the best learning experience and the outcomes that you need, whether it is to improve and advance your career or develop new skills.

QQI certifications with multiple study options. Part time or full

Ideal language learning platform for individuals

There are several ways the ABC Training School can help you achieve career goals, including the English language learning programs for foreigners. They are designed to provide you with the skills you need to succeed and the experience you need to get ahead on your chosen path. Contact us today to learn more about our programs.

“The program leaves you fulfilled and satisfied...‌”

Julie Fadaka...Client of The ABC Training program